Happy ugadi images, greetings, clipart photos for kids:May this ugadi bring you new spirit new beginning and new prosperity. Wishing you and your family a happy ugadi. Ugadi is the new year’s day for the people of the deccan region of india. Ugadi is also known as yugadi. The name yugadi or ugadi is derived from the Sanskrit words yuga means age and adi means beginning, combinely it means “the beginning of a new age”. Ugadi marks the first day of the new year. The people of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka mostly celebrate this festival. The people of the different states of india celebrate the same day as their new year day but with different names like gudi padwa, thapna, baisakhi etc. In this article I’m going to share happy ugadi images, happy ugadi greetings and happy ugadi clipart photos for kids. Here you can get best images in different languages to wish happy ugadi to your friends, relatives and loved ones. We specially add new section for your cute kids that is happy ugadi clipart photos for kids so enjoy this happy ugadi with kids
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